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All New Spring Juice Cleanse


What is a Juice cleanse?


A juice cleanse is a short term, all liquid diet intended to cleanse the body of impurities. It is not a fast, instead a juice cleanse provides plenty of sustenance from wholesome, organic, freshly pressed veggies and fruit juices. The primary physical reason for a juice cleanse is to give the digestive system a break from processing heavy proteins and fats, in addition to filtering the liver, kidneys and gall bladder. The result is clean energy and a full release of toxins. A juice cleanse should leave you energized, balanced and focused. Performing a juice cleanse has also been known to promote improved sleep patterns and curb food cravings.













Seven reasons why you should do a juice cleanse:


1) Rest the stomach and the gut. Making the stomach work less to extract nutrients can be a huge benefit, especially for those with digestive issues and for older folk who don’t produce enough stomach acid. Remember to gently chew the juices to add oral enzymes to further ease digestion. Giving the gut a break from toxic foods (including saturated fats, refined carbs, foods with additives, pesticides and allergenic foods) consuming a phytonutrient-dense rainbow plant-based juice diet allows food to be assimilated quickly through the intestine, consuming less energy, while the toxin-free, nutrient-dense food helps to repair the gut itself. 
2) Rest the liver. The liver is our main detoxifying organ. Every molecule of food that is absorbed through the intestinal wall (fibre is not absorbed) moves into the liver for detoxification and preparation before being allowed to enter the rest of the body. Problem is, there are too many toxins for most of our livers to handle, with many passing unchecked into the general circulation to wreak havoc in distant cells. An organic juice cleanse rests the liver's overload.
3) Reduce your appetite. Juicing doesn't really shrink the stomach, although it feels like it does. Juicing eliminates the habit of comfort eating, and makes you feel satiated with less food than usual. This provides a big psychological boost to help get over the hurdle of changing habits, and can set the stage for better food choices in the future.
4) Floods our body with super nutrition and rehydrates the body. Being on an all-produce diet gives us not only the vitamins and minerals but the all-important phytonutrients that are powerhouses for the clean-up and healing process. Juices are, by nature, raw foods; and retain nutrients that would be destroyed by cooking, including some B vitamins and especially (digestive and anti-inflammatory) enzymes.
5) Lose weight. As you are feeling better and having more energy, you also naturally lose weight. Some of this is water bloat, but also some is fat. A juice is a great way to jump start a diet. It not only helps control appetite and cravings, but is naturally lower in calories, while supplying the body with probably more concentrated beneficial energizing and healing nutrients than it has seen before.
6) Improve energy. After the first day's adjustment period, most people begin to feel much more energy and clarity than they ever did before.
7) Allow maximum detoxification. To optimally support all phases of the body's natural detox process, you need a very broad range of plant-supplied nutrients like anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories. By providing the body with super-nutrient dense foods juicing allows the body to have more of the resources it needs to support the phases of detoxification, and even to begin to help remove the cumulative toxins stored in the body.

Who should do a juice cleanse?


Typically we try out these super specific and restrictive diets when we have a big event coming up (say, a best friend's wedding or even your own) or maybe a different kind of event has struck fear into you: bikini season. Some people also use them as a way to jump-start a healthy eating plan.


Most people don't know that there are other, medical reasons for cleansing your body. If you are someone who suffers from any of these issues, a cleanse may be right for you:


  • Digestive issues

  • Elevated blood pressure

  • Sinusitis

  • Psoriasis


Cleanses may remove certain toxic additives from our bodies such as excess sodium, fat, sugar, and preservatives which can sometimes help the body to reduce inflammation, bloating, gas and other GI issues. If you suffer from any of these ailments, try speaking with your doctor about whether or not a cleanse is right for you.


What you get when you order the Midlands Organics Juice Cleanse:


The Midlands Organics Juice cleanse is a 3 day cleanse.


When you order the cleanse you will get 18 x 350ml bottles of freshly pressed, organic, raw fruit and vegetable juices. These need to be kept refrigerated.  It is best to start the cleanse the day after delivery. There are 6 juices provided for three days.


The bottles are marked with numbers 1 – 6, each day drink number 1 at 7am, followed two hours later by number 2, and two hours later drink number 3 and so on.


Juice ingredients and breakdown:


1 The Electrolyte Replacer:  Spring water, lemon juice, pure sea salt

2 Remineralising Green Juice: Romaine lettuce, kale, spinach, parsley, lemon, celery, pineapple

3 Energy Booster:  Orange, pineapple, tumeric

4 The Antioxidant: Carrots, beetroot, celery

5 The Blood Booster: Beetroot, celery

6 Omega Mylk:  Raw almonds, raw wild honey, cinnamon


Please note:

All ingredients are fresh, raw and organic.Ingredients subject to availability, and may be substituted with something similar.














Pre-Juice Cleanse

Upholding a healthy, light diet 3 days before your juice cleanse will ease the hunger cravings during the juice cleansing. Only eat organic fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and eggs and drink 8 glasses of water a day. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, dairy, red meat and gluten.


For an optimal juice cleansing experience, make sure you have the free time to reflect and rest. Do not do juice cleanses during an emotionally intense time or during a major life transition. Set yourself up for success: ask your friends and family to support you or even to do a juice cleanse with you! Offer them this list of reasons to juice for more information.


During Your Juice Cleanse

We recommend a 100% juice cleanse because eating slows down the juice cleansing process. If you need to eat during your juice cleanse, choose organic fruits, vegetables or soaked nuts and seeds.


Limit yourself to light exercise, such as walks, yoga, and stretching. Your energy levels will change when you’re on a juice cleanse, so pay attention to what your body needs before exercising.


We suggest doing introspective activities while juice cleansing such as writing in a journal, meditation, walks in nature and listening to gentle music. Avoid places with loud noise and a lot of activity; you might be more sensitive during your juice cleanse than usual. Make sure you have a lot of free time to take care of yourself.


After Your Juice Cleanse

Return gradually to eating solid foods after your juice cleanse. During the three days after completing your juice cleanse, follow a diet similar to the pre-cleanse diet. You can eat organic fruits and green vegetables the first day after your juice cleanse. On the second day, add brown rice, eggs and yogurt. Add chicken, fish or meat to the diet 5 to 6 days after the fast. Use your juice cleanse experience to create new, healthy eating habits!  



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